Simplistically, Bundled Tubes are an integrated set of Tubes or Pre-insulated Tubes and can also contain power and signal wires to integrate controls and sensing electrical lines. Used in many of the same markets and applications as Pre-insulated Tubes, the value of using Bundled Tubes increases as the complexity and size of the application increase.
The assembly can include any number of tube diameters and materials (i.e. copper and stainless in the same bundle). Inherently, Bundled Tubes provide significant weight, installation and cost savings over sets of single Pre-insulated Tubes.
With its years of expertise, Wirex can help you determine if a Bundled Tube solution makes sense over a set of singular tubes and can assist in determining the optimum design for the Bundled Tube solution.
Factory fabricated Bundled Tubes also have several benefits over Field fabricated:
- Reduces average installation costs by 40%
- Can be designed/fabricated for easier bending which simplifies installation process
- Typically results in a smaller OD allowing better use of mounting real estate
- Integrating power and signal wires can further simplify the installation process
- Machine fabricated product will provide more consistent and predictable thermal characteristics